Thursday 16 August 2012

I Raft Naked!

Well gosh, I mean, who doesn't?  Or at least who wouldn't if they had the chance and thought that they could get away with it.

Me, I'm a paddler.  I love watersports.

I canoe -- and if you are canoeing nude you are canuding.  Been there, done that.

I raft -- and if you raft naked you probably aren't on a commercial trip and you're likely dowenstream of any real whitewater.  Anyone who paddles whitewater without a PFD securely buckled on is just plain dumb.  Anyone who is wearing a PFD is not technically naked.  Oh sure, you can be airing out all the lower bits but if you've got a PFD on you're not naked.  Find yourself an uninhabited stretch of river below the rapids and get naked, chill out and enjoy the float trip.  Be at one with nature, the way God made you.

I kayak -- both sea touring and whitewater, and here's a news flash for you.  You cannot kayak naked --  can't be done.  Even if you aren't wearing a PFD or a sprayskirt you're still wearing your boat.  Sure, I've been naked within my kayak but that is a different matter innit?

I haven't tried a SUP -- a stand-up paddle board -- not yet anyway.  Now there is something that could be done naked.